MediXcel mLearn supports multi-media training content including text, audio and video-based training.
MediXcel mLearn is a fully interactive application featuring pop question and answer capabilities built into the material to ensure that learning is taking place. The test-taking features in the application feature quizzes in between course modules such that a pass is required for proceeding to subsequent modules and at the end of courses, after which certification can be provided to successful trainees.
Once users log on and download the training content, which is stored locally on the device, they can view the content as often as they want without incurring additional data costs.

Used By
MediXcel mLearn powers the popular VTR solution being used across Nigeria for Maternal Health Training Programs
MediXcel mLearn powers the only Online CME program in Nigeria for Credit Based Continuing Medical Education programs for Doctors.
MediXcel mLearn is being used by a Multinational NGO at a public hospital in Mumbai for the Training of clinical workers on Infection Control.